CBD and Alcohol: What you need to know for the festive season and beyond

on December 21, 2024

The festive season is well and truly upon us, and as we start gearing up for Christmas and the New Year, many of us will likely find ourselves reaching for the tipple increasingly often. But if you’ve also been interested in adding CBD to your health and wellness regime, you might wonder about the implications of taking CBD and alcohol together. So, let’s take a look at everything you need to know for the festive season and beyond.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol - known more widely as CBD - is a compound derived from the cannabis plant. It is one of a number of compounds known as cannabinoids, many of which have been found to possess impressive therapeutic properties. Unlike its most famous counterpart, THC, CBD is non-intoxicating and is perfectly legal in the UK and many other countries around the world.

The ingredient has gained immense popularity in the wellness world in recent years thanks to a broad range of potential benefits. For example, some studies indicate that CBD may help manage anxiety, improve sleep, and ease inflammation. It’s now easy to find an array of CBD products, from CBD skincare and CBD oils to edible products like CBD gummies and even CBD honey!

Can you take CBD while drinking alcohol?

While CBD is completely legal, it is still subject to some control measures. This might leave you wondering whether it is safe to combine CBD with alcohol. Well, the good news is, there is no evidence that CBD and alcohol have any negative interactions when taken in conjunction. In fact, CBD can even be added to your favourite tipple to create a CBD cocktail!

Of course, while combining CBD and alcohol may be perfectly safe, it is important to always drink in moderation. Alcohol can be harmful to your health and increase your risk of certain diseases. But could there be another reason to consider enjoying CBD alongside your favourite alcoholic beverage?

Does CBD stop a hangover?

The potential therapeutic properties of CBD may lead some people to wonder whether CBD could help to cure or prevent a hangover. After all, some research suggests the compound may help alleviate anxiety - or in this case, hangxiety!

Moreover, many consumers report that CBD makes it easier for them to get a good night’s sleep - an important consideration when recovering from a few too many drinks.

These potential “anti-hangover” benefits could be a saviour over the festive period when many of us are attending work holiday parties or getting ready to send the year out with a bang! Yet, clinical evidence is still in its infancy, and more research is needed for us to fully understand the potential role of CBD in helping us manage the aftermath of a night on the town.

But what about using CBD to help cut back on your alcohol intake? Could CBD be a helpful aid during Dry January?

CBD and Dry January

After weeks of merriment and cheer, many of us will be ready for a health kick come the New Year. Cutting back on alcohol - or even cutting it out altogether - is a common New Year’s resolution. In 2023, over 175,000 people signed up to participate in Dry January on the Alcohol Change website. But it’s not always as easy as we might have hoped.

So, could CBD help?

Well, some animal studies suggest that it might. For example, in rodent models, CBD use was associated with reduced alcohol self-administration, alcohol-seeking behaviour, and even withdrawal symptoms. This could suggest that CBD may be a useful aid in cutting back on alcohol when January rolls around - and beyond!

Of course, more clinical research is needed before CBD can be considered the must-have product for anyone looking to participate in Dry January. Nonetheless, the current evidence tells us that CBD is a safe and well-tolerated addition to any wellness and self-care regime - regardless of whether you’re partial to a glass of wine or a few beers!


CBD remains an incredibly popular wellness ingredient whose versatility has helped to make it a favourite among people from all walks of life. So, whether you’re looking to bring the festive cheer with some merry CBD-infused cocktails or use CBD oils or gummies to cut back after the holiday season, you can be sure to find a CBD product for you. What’s more, CBD products make an excellent gift for the wellness fanatic in your life - take a look at our CBD Gift Guide for 2024!