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Hungarian Honeys are well known all over the world for their outstanding quality. All our Organic Honeys come from the Hungarian countryside an area of pristine natural beauty where you will find an impressive landscape, unique net of rivers and channels, fresh and nice nature free of pollution, dotted by wild Acacia forest and flowery meadow of fragrant Lavender flowers, provides the perfect setting for collecting the finest single-flower honey.
The Organic Honey is ethically extracted using the old traditional methods in a sustainable manner and in total harmony with nature.
The result is unpasteurised, unprocessed and unhomogenised Organic Honey, teeming with mother nature's natural goodness.
We also offer Gourmet Creamed Organic Honeys with the finest natural herbs and spices found in nature to produce an exclusive outstanding premium top quality healthy products! All our Honeys are Organic, GMO & Gluten free! Our main goal is supporting small scale beekeepers this helps us to provide you with outstanding premium quality honeys as mother nature intended.
Honey has been used by mankind for thousands of years – a naturally sweet, viscous liquid and food source made from the nectar of flowers and collected by honey bees.
Did you know that honeybees pollinate an estimated one-third of all the food crops we consume?
Honey is sweeter than sugar, a teaspoon of honey contains 20 calories, 5 grams of sugar and no fat.
Contrary to popular belief, not all honey is created in the same way.
We are surrounded by many types of honey and varying flavours of the same substance! Similar to wine, the flavour of honey depends on what flowers the honeybees have visited. Colony of bees store it in what's called their “honey stomach”, which is unlike their food stomach.
When they have a full load, they fly back to the hive. From here, they pass it on through their mouths to other worker bees who chew it for about half an hour. The journey of how bees produce honey goes on as it’s passed from bee to bee, until it gradually turns into delicious honey.
Honey Heaven's Creamed honey is crystallized honey that's spun until it's creamy, smooth, spreadable, and absolutely delicious.
From a nutritional point of view creamed honey indicates a healthier product. This is especially true if flavoured with herbs or spices.
Some interesting facts about honey:
Studies of the similarity of the DNA in wasps and bees suggest that the first bees appeared about 130 million years ago.
The most important thing that bees do is pollinate. Pollination is needed for plants to reproduce, and so many plants depend on bees or other insects as pollinators.
Honey bees will tap about two million flowers and fly 50,000 miles (80,000 km) to make one pound (454 g) of honey.
While sugar is 100 per cent sucrose, honey is made up of around 75 per cent sugars, of which roughly half is glucose and half is fructose (these proportions may vary depending on the source of the nectar).
Shelf life for commercial honey has been established at around two years.
Honey has been anecdotally reported to lessen symptoms in people with seasonal allergies.
Royal jelly is a gelatinous substance produced by honey bees to feed the queen bees and their young and has a lot of health benefits.
Honey has long been a staple cuisine for millennium. Extremely versatile, honey has found its way to nearly every food and beverage on the market at one time or another. It can be used to add a splash of sweetness or as a primary ingredient in dishes and drinks, and some even eat honey by itself as a snack. However, the honey most commonly found on supermarket shelves and homes is a manufactured product, unfortunately lacking in many of the beneficial properties inherent to honey.
During filtering and manufacturing processes, many of these healthful components, such as amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, are removed or cooked out of the honey. In many cases, sugars and artificial sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup are added to these processed honey products, creating a honey that is actually far less healthy than its original form. It is crucial to understand these distinctions, as they affect the efficacy of the honey in producing its healthful benefits.
Manufacturing strips honey of many of its healthful properties; in contrast, organic honey is not tampered with, providing all the healthy benefits natural to the delicious substance. Studies have shown organic honey provides a myriad of medicinal attributes, including:
Treating or preventing high blood pressure and hypertension (Department of Pharmacology, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Maintaining healthy cholesterol (Physiological Society of Nigeria)
General medical applications (Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences)
Improved wound healing
Treatment of coughs
Treating gastrointestinal ailments
Fighting fungal infections
Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant uses
Treating or preventing cardiovascular issues
Organic honey has been used as a folk remedy throughout history and has a variety of health benefits and medical uses. It’s even used in some hospitals as a treatment for wounds. Many of these health benefits are specific to organic, or unpasteurized, honey.
Most of the honey you find in grocery stores is pasteurized. The high heat kills unwanted yeast, can improve the colour and texture, removes any crystallization, and extends the shelf life. Many of the beneficial nutrients are also destroyed in the process.
If you’re interested in trying organic honey, buy it from a trusted company like us. Here are some health benefits organic honey has to offer.
1. A good source of antioxidants
Organic honey contains an array of plant chemicals that act as antioxidants. Some types of honey have as many antioxidants as fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help to protect your body from cell damage due to free radicals.
Free radicals contribute to the ageing process and may also contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease. Research shows that antioxidant compounds in honey called polyphenols may play a role in preventing heart disease.
2. Antibacterial and antifungal properties
Research has shown that organic honey can kill unwanted bacteria and fungus. It naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic. Its effectiveness as an antibacterial or antifungal varies depending on the honey, but it’s clearly more than a folk remedy for these kinds of infections.
3. Heal wounds
Organic honey is used in medical settings to treat wounds because it’s been found to be an effective germ killer and also aids in tissue regeneration. Studies show that organic honey can boost healing time and reduce infection.
4. Phytonutrient powerhouse
Phytonutrients are compounds found in plants that help protect the plant from harm. For example, some keep insects away or shield the plant from ultraviolet radiation.
The phytonutrients in honey are responsible for its antioxidant properties, as well as its antibacterial and antifungal power. They’re also thought to be the reason organic honey has shown immune-boosting benefits. Heavy processing destroys these valuable nutrients.
5. Help for digestive issues
It’s proven to be effective as a treatment for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria, though, a common cause of stomach ulcers.
It’s also a potent prebiotic, meaning it nourishes the good bacteria that live in the intestines, which are crucial not only for digestion but overall health.
6. Smoother a sore throat
Have a cold? Try a spoonful of honey. Honey is an old sore throat remedy. Add it to warm tea with lemon when a cold virus hits you.
It also works as a cough suppressant. Research has suggested that honey is as effective as dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in over-the-counter cough medication. Just take one or two teaspoons, straight.
Explore our Organic Hungarian honeys blended with other botanical ingredients, including turmeric, cardamom, ginger, lavender, Egyptian blackseed and even CBD. See the full range of infused honey here: