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The wellness world is saturated with countless products and ingredients, many of which claim to be the holy grail of health and youth. But few products have stood the test of changing health and beauty trends quite like honey and hemp. These two ingredients have been utilised for their health properties for thousands of years - and with good reason. To honour our long-standing obsession with honey and hemp health, we’re taking a closer look at the complementary benefits of honey and CBD.
While CBD is a relatively new buzzword in the health and wellness world, hemp has been used as a health supplement and medicine for millennia. But what is the difference between hemp and CBD? Well, it’s actually quite simple.
Hemp is a term used to refer to low-THC cannabis plants. For example, in the UK, cannabis plants containing less than 0.2% THC (the key psychoactive component of cannabis) can be classified as industrial hemp. While low in THC, these plants can be high in another cannabis compound - cannabidiol, or CBD. In short, hemp is a type of cannabis plant while CBD is a compound (known as a cannabinoid) found within the plant.
Learn more about the difference between CBD, hemp, and marijuana.
In recent years, CBD has been incorporated into a wide range of products, including skincare, sweets, beverages, and, of course, honey! But what makes CBD and honey a match made in heaven?
CBD has been investigated for its therapeutic properties consistently since the compound was first discovered in 1940. This research has yielded some impressive findings; however, there is still much we are yet to discover about this versatile compound. Nonetheless, let’s take a little look at what the current evidence suggests.
Anxiety is a common mental health problem that has been consistently on the rise in recent years. While it is normal to experience anxiety from time to time, figures show that more and more of us are experiencing disproportionate anxiety levels. While the reasons for this increased prevalence are multi-faceted, more people are seeking a natural method to relieve the stresses and anxieties of everyday life - and many are turning to CBD.
In fact, a recent survey of CBD users in the UK found that anxiety was the most common reason for CBD use. Moreover, respondents reported that CBD was effective in relieving stress and anxiety. But is there any clinical evidence to support this perceived benefit?
Well, clinical research into the anti-anxiety potential of CBD is still in its infancy; however, some preliminary findings do suggest its potential. Interestingly, some studies also suggest that honey may be beneficial for managing feelings of anxiety. This potential may be due to the presence of polyphenols, which may support a healthy nervous system and improve mood!
CBD has also been touted as an aid for improving sleep quality and quantity. In fact, this was the second-most common reason for CBD use in the previously mentioned survey. Again, respondents reported that their use of CBD had helped them with their sleep problems. This potential has been supported by a number of studies; however, more clinical evidence is needed to understand how CBD for sleep works.
Similarly, several studies have aimed to assess the potential sleep benefits of honey, with some yielding interesting results. Some research indicates that honey may support melatonin production and stabilise blood sugar levels, both of which could contribute to improved sleep quality. However, other studies have found no significant difference in sleep quality. As such, more research is needed to fully understand this potential honey benefit.
Okay, so CBD may be a relatively new ingredient in the skincare world - particularly when compared with hemp. Nonetheless, this impressive compound has cropped up in all kinds of beauty products from moisturisers and serums to body lotions and massage oils! Studies indicate that CBD could be beneficial for improving skin elasticity and plumpness, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing.
While honey is most often considered a food product, we humans have also been utilising this golden commodity for its skincare benefits for thousands of years. It has been a staple in skincare from the time of the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks through the Tudors and to this very day - and with good reason.
Evidence shows that honey possesses an impressive anti-inflammatory potential that can soothe skin and even help with the healing of minor cuts and scars. Moreover, honey has antibacterial, exfoliating, and hydrating properties that help to make it a valuable asset in the world of skincare.
Honey and CBD are natural ingredients that are sure to remain popular staples in health and wellness. Best of all, they can even be taken together, allowing you to experience their complementary benefits for yourself. Check out our range of high-quality honey, including our Organic CBD Honey, today!