Immune Boost Tea with Bee Pollen and Propolis

on January 03, 2024

We have arrived in 2024 and are surrounded by so many cold bugs we need to give our body's the best chance with immune boosting foods. 

One of our fav Winter drink is our Immune Boost Tea with Bee Pollen and Propolis.


Immune boost tea with Immune Boost Tea with Bee Pollen and Propolis


What you need ...

2 Oranges

1 Pineapple

2 Lemons

Large portion of fresh ginger

5 Thumb size portions of fresh turmeric

2 Teaspoons of Cayenne pepper powered  

1 Teaspoon of black pepper 

3 Springs of Rosemary 

Honey Heaven Organic Honey with Bee Pollen and Propolis


water with orange, lemons and pineapple



Wash all fresh ingredients thoroughly. 

Slice up the pineapple, orange and lemons and place into a large pan half filled with water.

Peel the fresh ginger and fresh turmeric and add to pan.

Place in the Rosemary  

Add the Cayenne pepper and Black pepper 

Place a lid on the pot and bring to boil then gently simmer for 45/50 mins. 

The smell that filles your Kitchen is amazing. 

Allow to cool down then serve warm in a cup, with a teaspoon of Honey Heaven Organic Honey with Bee Pollen and Propolis

This tea can also be frozen. 


For those looking for more delicious tea options check out our Herbal Tea Selection or unwind with our Night Time Tea collection!