Mushroom Honey Snowflake

on December 27, 2023

Are you looking for a delicious and super quick dish for guests for this party season? If you have friends and family over this New years Eve or Day then we have the perfect recipe for you. The Mushroom Honey Snowflake!


Puff Pastry recipe with Mushroom Honey


What you need ...

1 bowl of grated mozzarella 

2 sheets of pre rolled puff pastry

2 table spoons of Honey Heaven Organic Mushroom Honey

1 egg


puff pastry sheets with mushroom honey



Preheat the over to 160 degrees

Cut a large circle matching in size in each of the puff pastry sheets

On one sheet sprinkle the grated mozzarella evenly all over. 

Drizzle two table spoons of Honey Heaven Organic Mushroom Honey over the grated cheeseSilvia.

Place the other circle of puff pastry over it like a sandwich. 

Place a small dish in the middle and cut out stripes from the edge of the bowl to the edge two fingers wide and twist.  

Once finished remove the small bowl and brush all the top pastry with a beat egg

Place into oven for 15 to 17 mins checking.

Allow to cool down and then let your guests tuck in. 


Link to video of recipe can be found here on Instagram.